Monday, February 8, 2010

Can My Partner Contract Hpv From Fingering Me I'm Depressed About What My Sexual Assault Counselor Said To Me?

I'm Depressed About What My Sexual Assault Counselor Said to Me? - can my partner contract hpv from fingering me

There are about 10 months, I was sexually abused when a man digitally penetrated her vagina with his finger. Therefore, I have), HPV (genital warts. HPV is very contagious and is spread by skin to skin. He had viral shedding on the fingers of his penis when he, in my vagina.

After 10 months, finally found the courage to seek help. I have a psychologist at the University. She encouraged me to call the clinic for sexual assault to be tested. I explained my situation, the consultant and she said. "Oh, it's impossible to get a STD from a finger! And even said that testing is not necessary.

But I know you have HPV. I developed small red bumps and a sore big green 3-4 weeks after the attack. I had a sexual partner before the attack. It was a friend, a virgin before having sex, and that more than 3 years.

I had a hard time explaining that it had examined. My psychologist has believed me, but how to call the gynecologist after I called the clinic. Above all these, IPlanned Parenthood went for the treatment of HPV, the nurse who has also acted as it was almost impossible to get HPV from a finger.

Is it too complicated, and I feel depressed me about this. I'm tired, that some people do not believe me. Try always to the previous sexual partners to blame. He was a virgin, and the man who attacked me, slept with at least 50 people and has a violent criminal history and 10 years!

Please help. How can I tell my advisors, I am appalled by what I said? You believe me now, but it still hurts.


Paul said...

Also, administrators can make mistakes. Let him know that you were somewhat taken aback by his comment, then pardoned. I bet your interaction with it would I think twice before he said this in a future patients. Take care.

john said...

Oh my God, it's terrible. I'm really sorry that happened. The men never go to jail? If nobody believes in you, I know I do. They try several different doctors, I'm sure it's at least one, I think.
Tell him you're right advice. I'm sure it will work for you.

much love,

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